Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Step 11 - Grace

Moving away, health
meant a change in lifestyle
letting go of self will
in the guise of
"this is how I always did it
and it worked before, so i just
do it somehwre else and it will work too.."
wrong, this time
it wouldnt work

I have spent the last 6 months
improving my conscious contact
with God as I would like to understand Him
growing a personal relationship
and really was too judgemental
scared and self willed
to really be open minded

I am sober/serene/at peace to whatever degree
and at this point
by the grace of God
not because of my service in AA
in the last 6 months

Letting go absolutely
Its in dying that we are born...


Syd said...

It sounds as if you are doing what you need to do Johno. And being at peace is awesome. Good to have you back posting.

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

"improving my conscious contact
with God as I would like to understand Him
growing a personal relationship
and really was too judgemental
scared and self willed
to really be open minded"

story of my life!

nothing changes.
we are always coming up against our own limitations
we always come up short
you just get used to it

this is what humility is
very ego puncturing!

'do not be discouraged'
keep coming back!

An Irish Friend of Bill said...

“Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.”

Drew said...

God will always take care of everything. Everyone, especially drug addicts receive the grace of Jesus.