Tuesday, September 04, 2007

H.A.L.T. its essential - and it helps others if we practice it

Bowl of chicken soup
Chat with a newcomer
Hot Orange juice, with bits
freshly squeezed lemon
and a huge spoon of honey
heated up
EAArly night

I slept last night 9 solid hours!
I woke up this morning
a completely different woman
Yeh its that Powerful, almost unrecognisable....
No seriously
Completely different state of mind
still have the snot, more in fact
but the rest of me is like 100%
so I can deal with the snotty nose!

I shared it in my homegroup tonight
and 4 people come up after
and said yeh I need an early night too
one said its like am frightened of missing something
dont know what, which reminded me of this post

H.A.L.T applies
especially when life is unmanageable, confusing
and everything seems a big deal

H.A.L.T applies
especially when life gets big and amazing
and manageable and there seems to be no big deals

Its easy to forget
maintenence includes
Steps and Prayers
food and sleep
anger management
connecting with
working with others

H.A.L.T when practiced, turns me into a patient
tolerent, kind, forgiving, loving, willing, focussed human

It also opens me up to be mmore
receptive to my Higher Power's will

Also helps me turn up for work, able to function & focus
Also helps me not bat an eye lid at the 72 hour tube strike
From my flat there is more than one way to get to work!!

Which is helpful to those around me

Good night

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