10th March 2006 Mum died after breast, bladder & lung cancer and it inspired last years "walk" at Blackheath Common,SE London. This year THE RAIN HELD off til the afternoon WAY HAY!! A workout warm up, a minutes silence to remember... lots of walking, talking and an icecream at the finish.
The primary purpose of this walk... Cancer is still a disabler and a killer & search for that prevention and cure is still a something we would all like. I raced for anyone anywhere who needs it, but with a few people in mind that I know, or are close to people I know.
WE that hundreds of women this year over many races and walks and events, one primary purpose.
Today, am very grateful
that inspite of losing my mum to cancer
The AA pledge inspired me to see and accept
that it was due to research
funds already collected in previous years
that helped find the treatment for my mum 3 times
without this treatment
she would not have seen me get sober
she would not have had me make amends
she would not have seen me happier than she had ever seen me
(her words)
Without AA and the Steps
I would not have had the best relationship
we had ever had for about 12 months
and I would not be feeling the way I do
and giving freely, being part of a great whole
EGOless almost
so that someone else may get this chance too
What do I get out of it
I get to heal from my grief a little more
Recovery in all my affairs
Every £ counts towards it all
Its not how much I raised
Its how much WE raised together
Just by putting one foot in front of the other
and Keeping on Keeping on
AA's thats newer and older & God
YOU the great YOU did this to me
Part of this amazing life saving and giving fellowship
YOU PLEASE feel proud!!
I humbly thank you
And if you dont feel you know me
But have taken anything from this blog
(which is simply my experience and
the experience and tools, others have passed on to me)
and used it and or passed it on
to try and help someone
Feel proud!
And if you have used anything
anyone in AA has passed on to you
to stay sober
and or try to help someone
Feel proud!
And if you have tried to stay sober today
Just for today
Please feel proud!
and give it another go tomorrow
in doing so, you are helping others
Proud to be a recovering alcoholic in AA
(Proud but not smug)
This ones for YOU the great YOU yes YOU
Proud - Heather Small
Keep it Simple
Serenity Prayer
God Grant us the Serenity
To Accept the things we cannot change
Courage to change the things we Can
And wisdom to know the difference
AA Pledge
"I am responsible ...
When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help,
I want the hand of A.A. always to be there.
And for that, I am responsible."
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