Saturday, July 23, 2005


Inflexible = controlfreak = angry & judge when things dont go my way = selfcentrednes = defect
yay!! i got there in the end.

Acceptance he might possibly be right, he wouldnt just throw it in just for a laugh
Ask him to explain. I listened. Didnt accept/understand his examples.
Accepted he he might possibly be right even though I didnt/couldnt/wouldnt see it.
Asked HP to show me, help me to see.
Accepted the answers would come, not in my time, not in any particular form.
Paid attention to what went on around me, my reactions to people, places & things.

The answers came. Its true. I am selfcentred. The evidence is all around me.

The truth sets us free.

Freedom to move away from selfcentredness with the help of my HP & huge restraint of tongue & pen, willingness to take part even when things arent going my way, and in the wrong direction for a while. Allowing myself & others to make & admit our mistakes, without drama, self hating. Forgiving them as they & others have done & do me.

I am in with a chance.

Let go, let go more, surrender to win.

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