Monday, June 25, 2007

City Mice Diet

I find life itself funny
Our air con is not working and they wont pay
to fix it, cos we are moving
and theres food leftovers everywhere
sounds like my flat used to be

Anyway heres part of an email we got today
from our office manager

Subject: Mice
Dear All

Just letting you know that the mice are back again!!
This time they have brought their cousins!

As this appears to be an ongoing problem we need
to make sure that we DO NOT leave any left over food
lying around at the end of the day. It would appear
that the little mite's are coming into our office and
having a banquet fit for king!! Not only are we keeping
them nice and warm but we are feeding them as well -
they are never going to leave when they are nice and
warm and their bellies are full! The 'Mice Catcher'
is putting down the poison but they are not touching
this, then why should they, when they can come into the
office and have something much more tasty to eat like a
sandwich with some crisps, biscuits, crisps, cereal, cakes,
left over pizza etc, the list is endless.

We therefore need to take some drastic action and 'stick'
to it otherwise when we move the mice will come with us
and we will never be rid of them.

Ok am gonna do some guitar
take a bath
eat and snuggle
no alarm!!

Happy Monday

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